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B.V. Rigin, E.V. Zuev, V.A. Koshkin, Z.S. Pyzhenkova, I.I. Matvienko
Federal Research Center the N.I. Vavilov All-Russion Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, B. Morskaya str., 42, 44, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russia

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Summary. The experiment was carried out under conditions of the north-west region of Russia (St. Petersburg) in 2009-2014. It was studied 26 ultra-early ripening samples of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in which the duration of the period from sowing till forming was 41…50 days; for standard varieties Leningradka, Leningradskaya 6 and Leningradskaya 97 this duration was 62-63 days. Ultra-early ripening samples were mainly founded among plants from subtropical and tropical countries, as well as in Russia among varieties, developed in the north-west of European part and in the east part of Siberia. All of them have low productivity. Genetic determination of the duration of vegetation period of wheat T. aestivum is polygenic; it depends not only on expression of the main genes Vrn, Ppd, Eps, but also on the other factors, which are modified by environmental conditions. Among ultra-early ripening cultivars with spring type of development in addition to the gene Eps we detected dominant alleles Vrn1 Vrn2 Vrn3 in samples Riko K-65588 and Photon K-55696, as well as genes Vrn1 Vrn2 in varieties Luch Severa K-40789, Taezhnaya K-50777 and the line SKF. It is possible that gene Eps controlling ultra-early ripeness of wheat is a block of polygenes (modifiers) with small effect, which determine continuous variability. This block can be identified by Mendel’s methods. Among hybrids F6-7 of Riko and Forlani Roberto (K-42641) we registered individual ultra-early ripening genotypes (37-39 days from sowing till earing) having 3.5 and 3.8 grains per a spikelet and a thousand grain weight 45-50 g. The number of grains in a spikelet depended on the expression of at least three genes. We selected constant ultra-early ripening families 104-3, 103-4, 106-2, 107-2, which had on the average 42, 37, 35, 34 grains in a spike. It is 1.5…2.0 times higher than in Riko (20 grains). But on this trait and the weight of grain per a spike recombinant families are inferior to the standard varieties. Families 104-3 and 107-2 had large grains: thousand grain weights in average are 45 and 44 g; for variety Leningradskaya 6 the value of this characteristic is 36 g.

Keywords: wheat, inheritance, ultra-early ripeness per se, earing time, development type, response to vernalization, photoperiod, productivity, genes.

Author Details: B.V. Rigin, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Senior Researcher (e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.); E.V. Zuev, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Leading Researcher; V.A. Koshkin, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Senior Researcher; Z.S. Pyzhenkova, Junior Researcher; I.I. Matvienko, Researcher.

For citation: Rigin B.V., Zuev E.V., Koshkin V.A., Pyzhenkova Z.S., Matvienko I.I. High rate of development and productivity of spring common wheat. Dostizheniya nauki i tekhniki APK. 2015. V. 29. № 7. pp. 13-16 (In Russ)